Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Statistics isnt everything...

"There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics." - Benjamin Disraeli.

There was an interesting article on statistics that I happened to pass by. It was statistically proved that "People who own black cars happen to be in more accidents than others". Now, some people will let them go or have a laugh about it, some may even get offended. This is the problem. Statistics arent usually given by people who are real statisticians or explain the numbers. They just say, that this study by so and so, has come up with such and such statistics. Why should a person who happens to listen to it, has to even accept it even if the numbers werent explained at all? Do you get it?

Well, I can come up with an assumption that people who use black cars may be mostly young and may be involved with accidents. Statistics are like lampposts, you can lean on them, but they dont give much light. Who knows what should be the reality.

Also, since people get appealed with statistics, there is a greater possibility that statistics are made up. As it goes by the famous proverb:
"Statistics are of two kinds, one is the kind you look up and one is the kind you make up"

Statistics can be never true in all cases...

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